
I’m a writer and an editor.

I have a decade of experience putting pen to paper for some of the top print publications in the outdoor and western industries. Aside from continually honing my craft, I work alongside fellow writers to help them refine their own voices, cultivating stories that need to be told one line at a time.

I was raised on a cattle ranch near Yosemite National Park. I’ve got a thing for wide open spaces, and the written word; for the history and tradition, beauty and adventure to be found hunting, fishing, and ranching the American West.  

I'm a homebody with a penchant for adventure, always excited to go and just as happy to come home. I get lost in books and learned how to navigate from John Wayne movies. I laugh entirely too loud and haven’t met a dance floor I could resist. I consistently need fresh air, and mountains to climb, a clean page, and a fish on a line.

Fluent in sarcasm, and movie quotes; witty banter and long stories are my jam. Feeding people is my love language, and I equate success with being able to fill a house full of my favorite people and feed them well.

I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, married to the love of my life, want to be like my Mama when I grow up, and my Dad? Well they just don’t make ‘em like that anymore. My family is my greatest blessing, and if I never had another answer to prayer, I still will have been given more than I ever deserve. I’m a private person but I wear my heart on my pen, and you’ll find bits and pieces of it scattered about on sticky notes, and google docs, notebooks, and old bill envelopes.

I think we’re only in short supply of heroes when we look for capes instead of callouses. I believe you’re only ever a workout away from a good mood and a nap can cure almost anything. I’ve learned that being uncomfortable isn’t an injustice, but an opportunity. All of the best things, all of the decidedly important moments of my life have occurred on the far side of being profoundly uncomfortable. And I've learned that if you give people time and your undivided attention you'll hear the most incredible stories.

And that’s what I love the most - people and their stories.